Wednesday 11 May 2011

Blog 5, Week 9: power of the mob!

I have always believed that organization to be one of the key building blocks for success in anything you attempt. I also believe that new media has given people a lot more access and ease to become more organised and from this, it makes it easier to see all the networks and communities that have been formed around us. These communities and networks empower us, and give people more power as a group. This group can then take local issues to their local governments or the necessary body and have the power of the mob. I am reminded of the phrase; think globally, act locally. These groups can now start trying to improve their local ecologies and local network groups.

The Coalition of the Willing is an example of such a network. I use the word network instead of community because while I believe that they have very similar meanings, I believe that community is more of a group that was formed inevitably based on interests or location while a network is a group that has come together seeking those out who have a common goal or interest. Both networks and communities infer team effort and that is exactly what is written on the Wiki site of the Coalition of the Willing; “The greater part of the work takes place in teams”

I found Elinor Ostrom’s work to be very interesting and enlightening. I personally see her work more to do with communities, where people are forced to band together for survival and the greater good. Her wikipedia website says how “Ostrom's work emphasizes how humans interact with ecosystems to maintain long-term sustainable resource yields”. I don’t think it’s a bad thing that people inevitably join together with a common purpose, however I see this as Darwinism and the survival instinct kicking in where people join as they see it puts them in a beter position then being alone. 

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